An HVAC technician is replacing an air conditioning filter in the ceiling, ensuring the system's air quality and efficiency

3 Simple Ways to Keep Your AC System Running Efficiently

It’s not a stretch to say your HVAC systems play a vital role in providing home comfort. On top of maintaining indoor air quality, your unit protects the people in your home from discomfort and even sickness. Keeping your HVAC units in the finest condition also keeps your home’s energy efficiency high, especially if you have an AC system in Jacksonville.

In this post, Comfort Zone of North Florida, Inc., your local HVAC contractor, shares simple ways to keep your HVAC system efficient and in good working condition, including tips specific to an AC system in Jacksonville.

Clean the Filters

The simplest way to keep your HVAC system running efficiently is by cleaning the filters regularly. Not only does it improve the efficiency of your unit by up to 15%, but it also prevents air quality from deteriorating. Keep in mind that old filters will eventually need replacing, so it’s a good idea to have your unit inspected regularly, especially for your AC system in Jacksonville.

Replace the Fuses

It’s a little known fact that the fuses in your air conditioning and heating unit actually have a limited life span, even though the unit itself is meant to last much longer. As as result, it’s common practice to replace these fuses so that the unit is as efficient as possible.

Figuring out when to replace the fuses is trickier than it seems, which is why we recommend taking advantage of our residential and commercial HVAC service. Our experienced team of HVAC professionals will check and properly replace your fuses to prevent future problems with your unit.

Remove Obstructions

Your heating and cooling unit should also be free of any obstructions that may affect air flow. Keep things like plants and other debris away from the vent and exhausts of the unit.

Additionally, you’ll want to have the unit checked to see if it’s free of obstructions within. Things like dirt, debris, and clumps of dust can eventually prevent airflow in your HVAC unit, and even make the air quality unsafe. Regular maintenance is crucial, particularly for your AC system in Jacksonville.

Comfort Zone of North Florida, Inc. offers expert residential and commercial air conditioning service. Let us help you keep your HVAC unit in good condition. Call us today at (904) 406-0070 to learn more about our services. We are a local HVAC contractor serving homeowners throughout Jacksonville, FL.