An AC repairman is opening up an air filter in the ceiling, preparing to clean or replace it for better airflow and system efficiency

Reasons Your Filter Isn’t Improving Your Indoor Air Quality

Your filter is responsible for trapping allergens and contaminants lingering in your indoor air. If your air filter doesn’t seem to be doing much and an abundance of harmful particulates remain inside your house, the residents of your home may experience asthma attacks, allergy symptoms and other respiratory illnesses. If this is a problem in your home, then you need to know the possible reasons your HVAC air filter isn’t doing its job. A commercial air conditioning service company shares a few of them here. 

Incorrect installation. It’s one thing to install an air filter in your home, but it has to be done correctly in order to perform well. Keep in mind that even a small gap is enough to allow air to pass through without being filtered. This means your filter won’t have the ability to block particulates that are harmful to your health. Fortunately, a qualified HVAC technician can detect and help you address this problem during routine maintenance visits.

Insufficient airflow. There are instances when airflow becomes interrupted and therefore limited even though the runtime of your unit is adequately long. This results in lower filtration efficiency. Possible reasons for this are return ducts that are simply too small and air filters that are clogged with dirt and dust. An HVAC contractor recommends replacing your air filter at least every three months to allow air to flow free and clean.

Low MERV rating. One of the crucial things to consider when picking out an air filter is its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). If you bought a filter that has a low MERV rating, don’t expect it to be effective at trapping airborne particles. Filters with higher MERV ratings cost more upfront, but you’ll reap the benefits of superior filtration efficiency, making your indoor space safer and more comfortable.

Comfort Zone of North Florida Inc. is a leading provider of top-rated heating and air conditioning repair and installation services in and around Yulee. Our company is committed to providing industry-leading solutions to ensure a safe and comfortable living space for our customers. Call us today at (904) 406-0070 or fill out our contact form to set up an appointment.