Comfort and Health: Tips on Controlling Indoor Humidity
Scorching temperatures can admittedly cause a great deal of discomfort, but humidity is the aspect of home comfort that you should really be keeping an eye on. Humidity, or the amount of moisture in the air, is responsible for the sticky feeling on your skin on a hot summer day. High humidity levels are more than just a nuisance, however. They can lead to a variety of problems. Controlling indoor humidity is essential for maintaining comfort.
Ever wonder why garbage stinks so much on hot and humid days? The large number of water molecules in humid air is the reason for this, as they help spread the stench further. In addition, high humidity levels exacerbate the rate of mold and bacteria growth. This can have possible health consequences.
You don’t need to worry too much about the humidity level inside your home, though, as there are simple ways to control it. Comfort Zone of North Florida, a top HVAC contractor in the state, shares some of these below. Remember, control indoor humidity to ensure a healthier living environment.
Increase Ventilation
The simplest way of controlling indoor humidity levels is to increase ventilation. There are a number of ways to do this, starting with opening the windows and doors for at least 15 minutes every day.
Install a Dehumidifier
If, however, you prefer your windows and doors to remain closed, you always have the option of buying a dehumidifier. If this isn’t in the budget for you, simply turning on the air conditioner will help as well. This method can effectively control indoor humidity.
Keep Your Air Conditioner in Good Working Condition
Your air conditioner does more than just blow out cool air; it also reduces the indoor temperature and humidity level. The part of your air conditioner that’s responsible for regulating the humidity inside your home is the evaporator coil. The moisture that’s removed from the air is collected in the condensate pan beneath it. If there isn’t any water being deposited into the pan, there may be issues with your AC unit. These issues will need to be repaired by an air conditioning repair contractor. Regular maintenance helps control indoor humidity effectively.
Your HVAC contractor shouldn’t just be paying visits to your home when the AC system breaks down, however. It’s a good idea to have them inspect your AC periodically throughout the year to ensure that any relatively minor signs of damage can be fixed before they balloon into bigger – and costlier – problems. Maintaining your AC properly will help you control indoor humidity more efficiently.
Comfort Zone of North Florida offers residential and commercial air conditioning service visits on-site. To schedule an inspection, call us at (904) 406-0070 or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in Yulee, FL.